






更新时间 2023-12-02 09:55:00



未知方程式免费在线观看完整版剧情:  This long-lost masterpiece of hardcore gay erotic cinema centers on a handsome young stud who rides his motorcycle through myriad sexual encounters, from a soccer game’s locker room to a phantasmagoric and deeply melancholy orgy. A labyrinth of all-male fantasies whose outstanding beauties always end up fading away while leaving their sensual protagonist dealing with his own loneliness, EQUATION was directed with supreme grace by the mysterious Dietrich de Velsa (aka Francis Savel/Frantz Salieri). A former painter, de Velsa was also the owner and artistic director of La Grande Eugène, one of the first drag cabarets in Paris. Years later, he collaborated with Joseph Losey on MR. KLEIN (1976) and DON GIOVANNI (1979). His one and only film, EQUATION TO AN UNKNOWN stands as one of the most extraordinary erotic films of all time明星  “The most melancholic porn film I’ve ever seen. It’s very sad, and aesthetically beautiful. Just a young man wandering through several depictions of love and choreographies of love-making; it’s like a ceremony, a ceremony of fantasies, especially the last sequence where the main character recalls all his previous fantasies, which come one by one around his bed and make love to him. I think it’s one of the most beautiful film sequences of French cinema.” –Yann Gonzalez


《未知方程式HD中字免费在线观看完整版》搜索词:未知方程式 his phanta room locker game soccer ,未知方程式是由Francis SavelGianfranco Longhi,Jean-Jacques Loupmon,Reinhard Montz领衔主演的电影,伦理 ,该电影于2023-12-02更新。未知方程式在线观看视频,未知方程式韩语版,未知方程式免费观看,未知方程式在线观看,未知方程式电视剧免费观看,未知方程式粤语高清,未知方程式全集,出生于军人家庭的燕破岳为了向父亲证明自己,在高考来临之际参军到了武警某支队。


  • 韩剧迷15分钟前
  • 乳来伸掌30分钟前


  • 未知方程式网友40分钟前
  • 迷人小哥哥55分钟前
    看了《未知方程式》以后,我才发现原来我的生活是很幸福的,感谢安吉拉·巴顿 娜塔莉·雷 导演给我们奉上了这么精彩的作品,同样也感谢本片的演员们的倾情演出,真的太棒了。
  • 大橘为重58分钟前
  • 你是我的盐1个小时前
    的确是很棒很好的一部片子,好久没看到这么精彩的剧情片了,感谢内详  等演员的激情表演。
  • I0856网友3个小时前
  • 乳来伸掌1天前
  • 水多多3天前

    我喜欢看剧情片电影。《未知方程式》这部剧情片给我的感觉有两点。第一,  This long-lost masterpiece of hardcore gay erotic cinema centers on a handsome young stud who rides his motorcycle through myriad sexual encounters, from a soccer game’s locker room to a phantasmagoric and deeply melancholy orgy. A labyrinth of all-male fantasies whose outstanding beauties always end up fading away while leaving their sensual protagonist dealing with his own loneliness, EQUATION was directed with supreme grace by the mysterious Dietrich de Velsa (aka Francis Savel/Frantz Salieri). A former painter, de Velsa was also the owner and artistic director of La Grande Eugène, one of the first drag cabarets in Paris. Years later, he collaborated with Joseph Losey on MR. KLEIN (1976) and DON GIOVANNI (1979). His one and only film, EQUATION TO AN UNKNOWN stands as one of the most extraordinary erotic films of all time明星  “The most melancholic porn film I’ve ever seen. It’s very sad, and aesthetically beautiful. Just a young man wandering through several depictions of love and choreographies of love-making; it’s like a ceremony, a ceremony of fantasies, especially the last sequence where the main character recalls all his previous fantasies, which come one by one around his bed and make love to him. I think it’s one of the most beautiful film sequences of French cinema.” –Yann Gonzalez,真的感受到了磅礴之美。第二是电影总是充满人文关怀,思考人生价值,在生与死、科技与人文之间取舍。这部电影对我来说很真实。我特别喜欢外太空和火星里的片段。我有很强的真实视觉冲击感,很享受那一瞬间的快感。这就是男人的坚强之心。崇拜



